Kentucky boating law

A Kentucky Boater Education Certificate (or boating permit ) demonstrates that you have got the knowledge that you will need to securely operate a motorized watercraft on Kentucky’s state waterways. and that You are at least 12 years or older to operate a motorboat (PWC) 10 horsepower or over in Kentucky. Boating Safety Education is needed by anybody who is 12-17 years old.

In Kentucky boating laws the following are important to remember and abide by. You can enjoy a boat, and all that it provides, but you have to be responsible for yourself. Each of these items is required in every boat owners are expected to follow all regulations and warnings provided by their vessel’s boating laws.

Kentucky Boating Law (pdf format) – Be sure everyone has an active PFD at all times, knows how to use it, and has access to it quickly if necessary. Check the batteries on your flashlight and lights; look at the lights, horns, and lights for any signs of damage. Always carry at least one tool in case of a power outage. Take your boat out of service areas, such as in city parks or in the country. If you own your boat, take it out every time you are away from home.

Boats can go through many different types of water. The most common is “high-water” which is the legal limit for a boat’s speed and inoperable vessels are not allowed in certain areas. If your boat is not in operation, the local boating law enforcement is the one to report it to the Coast Guard and give you proper directions on how to properly retrieve it if you must do so. If your boat has been stolen, call the police and report your lost vessel immediately. It is illegal to leave this type of information at risk to other people, so be sure to store all of it in a safe location and secure your boat.

Be sure you have everything you need to inspect the condition of your boat’s engines and electrical systems. Any repairs should be made before your trip so that they can be made the night of your arrival. Take pictures and video of the area around your boat so that the Coast Guard can locate it easily if it does become lost. Have a full tank of fuel and have at least one spare tire on your boat to use at the beginning of the trip. Also, check out your boat’s fuel supply and ensure you have enough fuel and supplies with you.

Boating Law is very simple to understand and follow. Remember, you are the only person who can control the type of boating that you engage in, and if you get caught doing something that is not legal, you could end up in prison. if caught doing the same. Try not to use alcohol while boating as it can impair your judgment, make you lose control, and put you in more danger.

Remember, a boater must follow the law if you want to enjoy your boat. There are regulations to take into consideration while boating in any type of water. If you don’t follow the law, you could find yourself in serious trouble. It doesn’t matter what kind of boat you have, they are there to help protect you. The Coast Guard is there to help you in these situations.